100% Free For a Limited Time

Join the UNITE Challenge​

Starts live on June 7th. Pre-training beforehand.

  • Community - we are using a private Facebook community to UNITE together

  • Coaching - you will get lots of insight and training even before the challenge officially starts

  • Leadership - your coach reached 9 figure success online and has positively impacted over one hundred thousand souls

      We Unite Live

      No credit card needed. No one time offers or cross-sells on the next page. No assault on your email inbox. No shenanigans.  All I ask is you commit your attention to the cause.

      I am starting a movement and I need your help. 

      The cost is high but the payoff is higher. I don’t need you to spend money, just attention and effort so together...


      We Can Make History.


      Suffering surrounds us. We are feeling disconnected and out of sync with ourselves and the world around us. 

      • Suicide rates are up.
      • Drug abuse is rampant.
      • Domestic violence at an all time high. 

      When you are out of harmony you are in harm. And when there is challenge, there is also opportunity. 


      There has never been a better time to be a hero than now. 


      - Dan Sullivan

      I am sending this message far and wide. 


      I count it as no small miracle that somehow our paths have crossed. And I need all the help I can get because together we are stronger than any of us is apart. 

      What I need from you is an open heart and a desire to uplift those around you with the understanding that... 

      The more you help others the more it helps you! 

      Can you bring an open mind? 


      Can you devote about a half an hour a day for one week straight? 


      If so, I'll empower you to UNITE and connect with others in a way that is spiritually fulfilling, emotionally fulfilling... and... if you wish it to be...

      Financially fulfilling. 

      12 years. That's what I spent sharpening the axes.


      These axes are what I'll hand over to you. You will use them to chop down the trees of despair, disconnection and dissonance.


      Together we will uplift. Together we will unite those most in need. Together we will help those abandoned, those who've lost hope and those that... if you can form a connection... 


      Have the greatest potential to make the world better. 


      A better world for you, for me, for our children and for our children's children. 

      I am inviting you to partake in the first of its kind, what I call...

      The UNITE Challenge

      100% free. Starts June 7th. Pre-training before hand.

      First, we unite. Then we can unite those around us who need our help. 


      My name is Jason Fladlien. In 37 years on this planet I've been through a lot. I became a multimillionaire a few years after starting an online business from a shed in Coralville, IA. 

      At one point in my life I was - believe it or not - a rapping Hare Krishna monk. 

      financially fulfilling. 

      Why was I a monk? Because my childhood was tough. I suffered depression. I had panic attacks constantly. I was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. 


      I grew up in a broken home frequented by crystal meth dealers, schizophrenics and career criminals - some of whom later went to prison for murder.

      I learned how to survive early on.


      Later, I would transform that knowledge to successfully sell over $100 million dollars in products, services and software.

      I wasn’t a rags to riches story because rags would’ve been an upgrade from where I started. 


      My near daily existence during my formative years was like being on a battlefield (hence the PTSD). 


      That's where I cut my teeth. I learned to be resourceful and how to communicate and help others when the stakes were high and the pressure was on. 

      Years later I learned how to deal with healing the emotional scars and trauma, too, making me all the more effective for connecting and empower my customers, friends and...

      Anyone who I saw wanted more than what they had. 

      Where you come in?

      The UNITE Challenge

      100% free. Starts June 7th. Pre-training before hand.

      I want to, for free, share with you over 7 days the key 7 lessons I’ve found when it comes to UNITY. 

      First, unity with self.

      A house divided amongst itself cannot stand.


      If part of you wants to get wealthy but the other part of you has guilt associated with riches, you will be in perpetual pain.


      Every single obstacle you have right now is caused by some incongruence from within.


      We’ll get these parts of you pointed and running in the same direction.

      Second, unity with those around you.

      I believe everyone who desires to be ethically wealthy has it within them to do so.


      But you can’t do it alone.


      The more you can unite others, the more value you provide. Ethical wealth means you create much more value than the money exchanged to get that value.


      I’ll share with you the insights to make this happen. 

      Third, unity with a higher power.

      No matter what you believe, there is something greater going on here than just us.


      Ever felt at one with nature? Nature means every living thing around you. That collective spirit is the higher power.


      I call it God, but that may just be semantics. I don’t think you can quantify it or qualify it with language, but there is an invisible power out there that, if you are in flow with it, electrifies you mind, body and soul. 

      Do you feel there is more of you than is showing up currently? Then this movement was made for you. 

      The UNITE Challenge

      100% free. Starts June 7th. Pre-training before hand.

      Who isn't allowed in this movement?

      The size of your bank account doesn’t matter.


      Neither do past results or achievements.


      Who you know and what favors you call on are meaningless to this movement. 

      It’s your  attitude, belief and willingness to grow that count.

      If you’re cynical, you’re not wanted here. Pity is not allowed. Excuses must be left at the door.


      I refuse to you let you sell yourself short.


      Attitude is contagious and a “can’t do” attitude will poison my movement, so stay out. 

      But if you're poor, tired, sick, old or beaten down, I will take you in and embrace you as long as you have even the slightest bit of hope that tomorrow can be better and a desire to try for it. 

      This isn’t a grass roots movement. This is a below the soil movement.​

      I am sounding the alarms of the movement far and wide and it is by fate I have reached you in hopes that you’re the hero that I need… nay, that we need. 

      Are you up for the challenge? 

      The UNITE Challenge

      100% free. Starts June 7th. Pre-training before hand.

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